The universe, a world to discover...
There are two theories about the universe, the first one, is established by science, and the second by religion. The theory established by science, specifies that the universe was formed by a huge explosion called the Big Bang. This explosion was the origin of the world that we know and unknown today. And on the other hand there is theory of religion, rather it could be called the real story and that the church affirms that the universe was created by God and he did it in 7 days. He created the humanity at the sixth day of the creation. But here is the question: Who did it? Who created the universe? Why do we exist?
Science, answers to the question: how the universe was formed? And religion answers to this: Who created the universe? And some people also believe that religion can answer why God (if it was who created the universe) has created us (Referring to animals, plants, etc.)?
The rarity of the Big Bang theory is that the person, who established, was a physicist and also a priest named Georges Lemaitre and established as part of the general theory of relativity.
To get to this explanation, several scientists, with their studies, have established a series of steps that are keys to become to a logical conclusion of how it was formed (The Big Bang).
The work of Alexander Friedman, in the year 1922, and Georges Lemaitre, 1927, used the theory of relativity to show that the universe was in constant motion. Soon after, in 1929, the American astronomer Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) discovered galaxies beyond the Milky Way that away from us, as if the Universe is prolonged constantly. In 1948, the Russian physicist nationalized American, George Gamow (1904-1968), suggested that the universe was created from a large explosion (Big Bang).
The Big Bang theory developed from observations and a theoretical breakthrough.
Through observations in 1910, the American astronomer Vesto Slipher, and after him, Carl Wilhelm Wirtz, Strasbourg, found that most of the spiral nebulae are moving away from Earth, but failed to realize the implications cosmological of this observation, nor of the fact that the alleged nebulae were actually galaxies beyond our own Milky Way.
In addition, Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity (the second decade of the twentieth century) does not support static solutions (the universe must be expanding or redacting), a result which he considered wrong, so it tried to fix it adding the cosmological constant.
The first formally apply relativity to cosmology without the cosmological constant was Alexander Friedman, whose equations describe the universe Lemaitre-Friedman-Robertson-Walker, who can expand or shrink.
Between 1927 and 1930, the Belgian Jesuit priest Georges Lemaitre independently obtained the equations Friedman - Lemaitre - Robertson - Walker and proposed, on the basis of the recession of the spiral nebulae that the universe began with the explosion of a primeval atom, so which later was called Big Bang.
Over the years, the observational evidence supporting the idea that the universe evolved from a dense and hot state. Since the discovery of the microwave background radiation in 1965, it has been considered the best theory to explain the origin and evolution of the cosmos. Before the end of the sixties, many cosmologists thought the infinitely dense singularity of the initial time in the cosmological model of Friedman was an extreme idea, and that the universe will be contracted before starting to grow again. This is the theory of Richard Tolman of an oscillating universe. In the 1960s, Stephen Hawking and others have shown that this idea was not feasible, and that uniqueness is an essential component of the gravity of Einstein. This led to the majority of cosmologists to accept the Big Bang theory, which states that observe the universe began a finite time.
This research paper is only based on real sources that specify how and by who the universe was created. But not everyone accepts these conditions, no; religion does not accept it because it has its own creation story that we can or cannot believe that is tour own opinion.
The religion states that the universe was created by God in 7 days. This story account and who created the universe, like everything that exists within the.
The creation story is found in the Bible, Book of Genesis chapter first.
Genesis can be described as creation, birth, origin and all synonyms that can be found in the Spanish language.
The following paragraph speaks of how God created the universe in 7 days.
The first day, God decides to create the universe, and also the planet earth, the sky and the earth's surface, also decided to create light and darkness and then, he gave to them the name of the day to light and night the darkness.
The second day, God created the oceans and separating them from the surface, later, God creates vegetation.
On the third day, God created the Sun, Moon and stars.
On the fourth day, God decides to create life in the oceans and in the sky. He created them and he whiles them at the same time, saying: grow and multiply.
On the fifth day, God created every living creature that walks crawls or moves above the earth's surface.
On the sixth day, God created the humans as a man and a woman in His own image and likeness and also blesses it: grow and multiply governed mainly living on the surface, seas and skies.
The seventh and final day, God rested and saw the universe happy.
My opinion about how was the formed the universe is that God could have created that explosion that made everything we know as universe itself. But as the two theories are not verified, each person can think whatever they want to. I think that always there is going to be a conflict between he science and the religion because if this questions are not solved it may be forever.
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